Corporate Social Responsibility
Open Letter to Companies for CSR Funding
We make an appeal for your CSR support and commitment to help citizens stop being victims of corruption, the wicked evil that steals and denies them of their basic needs and services.
Transparency Mauritius: | is an approved CSR NGO No. N1137. It is an independent, non-political and non-partisan body corporate incorporated in 1998. |
Mission: | Its mission is, among others, to combat corruption both in the public and private sectors by raising public awareness and educating the public in the promotion of integrity in business ethics in national and international business. |
Definition of corruption: | The abuse of entrusted power for private gain (as defined by Transparency International) |
Priority Area: | Prioritising anti-corruption efforts in helping the vulnerable, defenceless and poor ones at all levels through community and citizens empowerment. |
Target Group : | The general public, especially women and young people who are victims and witnesses of corruption. |
Action: | A “Centre d’Assistance Juridique et d’Action Citoyenne” (CAJAC) which was launched in Mauritius in December 2010. |
Projects: | Sensitisation campaign for the public to understand what is corruption and what are the harms of corruption and how to fight them. |
Reasons: | Corruption is a wicked and damaging form that steals the needs and denies the basic services to the defenceless and vulnerable ones. Corruption hurts people whose life and livelihood depends on the integrity of people in a position of authority. |
Contact us for more details on our actions and projects:
Transparency Mauritius, 6th Floor, TN Tower, St Georges Street, Port Louis
Tel: 213-0796.
Email: [email protected]
CAJAC Hotline: 800-2555